Grelsbyberget Mountain
Grelsbyberget Mountain is one of the real gems of Överkalix – not only because its nearness to the community makes it easy to reach, but also because of the highly diverse nature, the stunning views and all the lovely spots you can find.
There are hikingtrails, running trails, resting spots and fireplaces going up the mountain. It is easy to get there from central Överkalix using relatively child friendly trails which lead to gorgeous views, like the Kalix River, central Överkalix, Boheden village, and Djupträsk Lake, to mention a few. Bring a packed meal and stop to eat at the wind shelter at the summit. Along the trails there are six resting spots with tables and benches, two of which are equipped with wind shelters and fireplaces (making a fire anywhere else on the mountain is not allowed). To make walking up the mountain less strenuous, there are 15 resting benches strategically placed along the trails.
The highest point on the mountain is 195 metres above sea level. At the top, a wide area of flat rocks extends, and just below, a shingle field. Between the flat rocks and boulders, old gnarled low-growth pines are twisting and growing – they are judged to be at least 150 to 200 years old. If only they could speak! Lower down, where the ground is moister, footpaths meander through more luxuriant and leafy vegetation. But there are also more open areas of grass and herbs, as well as excellent berry picking which includes lingonberry and blueberry. Polypody Fern grows between the boulders.
The area has exciting wildlife – including moose, reindeer, hare, and fox. You may be lucky enough to see a capercaillie take off from the top of an old-growth pine. Or why not go on a viper safari among the rocks early in spring when the snow has melted? You can drive a fair way up the mountain. But you can also walk or jog on the marked circular trails.
Here’s a tip! Bring some mosquito repellent with you, especially during summer.

Grelsbyberget Mountain is a great place to visit during winter as well.
Photo: Linnea Nilsson-Waara