Excellent Instagram-spots

Laxforsberget mountain

Amazing view of mountains, valleys, and waters. Here you have a unique opportunity to hike in an old-growth forest, almost completely unaffected by humans. On the Instagram account @topofoverkalix, you can find lots of inspiration to discover more of the mountains of Överkalix.


Take a selfie with a stuffed bear, fox, lynx, or a raccoon dog! The roadside restaurant Vippabacken is a very special place – retro interior, antiques, souvenirs, and lots and lots of knick-knacks to look at. Here you can have a rustic traditional Swedish meal, and coffee and cake for afters. It is a quirky, yet homely and cosy place.

Photo from @huldashonung

Brännvall’s Café

At the wonderful Brännvall’s Café in central Överkalix, you can enjoy home baked Swedish fika in a cosy atmosphere. Mixed china, 1950’s interiors, and hand embroidered tablecloths – so Instagram-friendly!

Photo from @visitoverkalix

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